A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Sponsors for a Wonderful Year!
Corporate Sponsors
NC Arts Council
Hancock Kitchen & Bath
Friend Sponsors
Beaufort County Arts Council
Kimberly Green
Lynette Thomas
Whole Note sponsors
Lynda Lane
Wares Chapel United Methodist Church
P.C. Sound Inc.
Ashley and Chris Padgett
Half Note Sponsors
Abbott Tunstall
Lou and Louise Bonadies
Bobby Roberson
Bayview Community Church
Janet and Richard Cooper
Dee Donovan
Sue Jefferson
Eileen and Larry Lettick
Ed and Shirley Mann
Laura and Frank McNair
Greg and Kim Ness
Gary and Alice Phillips
Gaskins & Gaskins P.A. Attorneys at Law
The Rich Company
Sally and Jim Caton
Quarter Note Sponsors
Pat and Bev Gautier
Charles and Donna Burgin
Carol and Patrick Crane
Old Town Country Kitchen
Pamlico Memorial Gardens
Dr. Jeff Rumley
Barbara Sanderson
Beaufort County Traditional Arts
Ryan Whitford-Allstate Insurance
John and Shelly Rebholz
Trey Howdy-Edward Jones Investments
Eighth Note Sponsors
Mauri F. Evans Insurance Agency
J. Herbert Schmitt
Jane Alligood
John and Nila Wehrenberg
Howdy, Jones, & Cochran Dental Office
Mr. Bobby Roberson
Pat and Bev Gautier
David Connard
Old Town Country Kitchen
Lisa Gargaro-Capelli Salon
Ann-Marie Montague
Robert and Jessie Pociocco
Corporate Sponsors
NC Arts Council
Hancock Kitchen & Bath
Friend Sponsors
Beaufort County Arts Council
Kimberly Green
Lynette Thomas
Whole Note sponsors
Lynda Lane
Wares Chapel United Methodist Church
P.C. Sound Inc.
Ashley and Chris Padgett
Half Note Sponsors
Abbott Tunstall
Lou and Louise Bonadies
Bobby Roberson
Bayview Community Church
Janet and Richard Cooper
Dee Donovan
Sue Jefferson
Eileen and Larry Lettick
Ed and Shirley Mann
Laura and Frank McNair
Greg and Kim Ness
Gary and Alice Phillips
Gaskins & Gaskins P.A. Attorneys at Law
The Rich Company
Sally and Jim Caton
Quarter Note Sponsors
Pat and Bev Gautier
Charles and Donna Burgin
Carol and Patrick Crane
Old Town Country Kitchen
Pamlico Memorial Gardens
Dr. Jeff Rumley
Barbara Sanderson
Beaufort County Traditional Arts
Ryan Whitford-Allstate Insurance
John and Shelly Rebholz
Trey Howdy-Edward Jones Investments
Eighth Note Sponsors
Mauri F. Evans Insurance Agency
J. Herbert Schmitt
Jane Alligood
John and Nila Wehrenberg
Howdy, Jones, & Cochran Dental Office
Mr. Bobby Roberson
Pat and Bev Gautier
David Connard
Old Town Country Kitchen
Lisa Gargaro-Capelli Salon
Ann-Marie Montague
Robert and Jessie Pociocco
Beaufort County Choral Society is a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization under the auspices of the Beaufort County Arts Council. Our ability to sustain our chorus relies on the generosity of donors like you. The monies we raise go directly to staffing, music, rental of sound equipment, instrumentation, and collaboration. If you have not yet become a sponsor, we ask that you consider doing so.
Did you know? If you are currently eligible to take Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) from your retirement accounts, you may make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) to the Beaufort County Choral Society. We are a subsidiary organization of the Beaufort County Arts Council with its own 501c3 classification. You may deduct your contribution from your RMD totals for the year when you file your taxes. And you may deduct it even if you take the standard deduction on your taxes.
Suggested levels of giving are:
Corporate: $1000 and up
Friend of the Chorus: $500 - $999
Whole Note Sponsor: $200
Half Note Sponsor: $100
Quarter Note Sponsor: $50
Eighth Note Sponsor: $25
Click on the button below to donate.
Did you know? If you are currently eligible to take Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) from your retirement accounts, you may make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) to the Beaufort County Choral Society. We are a subsidiary organization of the Beaufort County Arts Council with its own 501c3 classification. You may deduct your contribution from your RMD totals for the year when you file your taxes. And you may deduct it even if you take the standard deduction on your taxes.
Suggested levels of giving are:
Corporate: $1000 and up
Friend of the Chorus: $500 - $999
Whole Note Sponsor: $200
Half Note Sponsor: $100
Quarter Note Sponsor: $50
Eighth Note Sponsor: $25
Click on the button below to donate.